Our team returned on Dec 6th to provide an early Christmas party for our favorite elders at the Zaragosa Home! Lesselot de Mixco (or Gente Ayudando Gente) had tamales made, Yamille Bukele provided a Chrismas cake and and amazing decorations that made the place look festive!
Chema Luceno had organized for two pairs of pajamas for each of the elders, Suzy Gonzalez and Nancy Rivard organized slppers for everyone and Israel Luceno helped with the wrapping and packing of all the gifts! Mauricio and Diego of Floracion Foundation provided the cokes and brought other members of their team as well as the most INCREDIBLE SANTA and Santas Helper.
To top it off Olga Bukele provided a soft blanket for all the women! Helga Flores (of Siman Foundation provided cookies( and many more volunteers assisted !!!
To top if off Lisselot provided special yart for a lady who knits, clothing, vitamin supplements and turkeys and chicken for the home from Kreefs! Thanks so much to all! Enjoy the pics below:
Youtube video
You can help this project here – they need more staff and every penny helps!
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