Celebrated on 22 March, the World Water Day provides an opportunity for thousands of people globally to join conversation, raising awareness and informing decision-making across the world. Airline Ambassadors is committed to the need for water.
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This year the theme of World Water Day 2025 is ‘Glacier Preservation’, highlighting the critical role glaciers play in sustaining life and the water cycle.
Around the world, nearly 2 billion people rely on water from glaciers, snowmelt and mountain run-off for drinking, agriculture, and energy production.
As glaciers continue to melt more rapidly than ever, they create uncertainties in water flows, posing profound challenges for people and the planet. World Water Day 2025 calls on the global community to accelerate carbon emission reductions and implement local strategies to adapt to shrinking glaciers.
Glacier preservation
Glaciers are melting faster than ever.
As the planet gets hotter, our frozen world is shrinking, making the water cycle more unpredictable.
For billions of people, meltwater flows are changing, causing floods, droughts, landslides and sea level rise.
Countless communities and ecosystems are at risk of devastation.
As we work together to mitigate and adapt to climate change, glacier preservation is a top priority.
We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions to slow down glacial retreat.
And, we must manage meltwater more sustainably.
Saving our glaciers is a survival strategy for people and the planet.
Protecting frozen water resources for the future
The theme of World Water Day 2025 is ‘Glacier Preservation’.
Glaciers are critical to life – their meltwater is essential for drinking water, agriculture, industry, clean energy production and healthy ecosystems.
Rapidly melting glaciers are causing uncertainty to water flows, with profound impacts on people and the planet.
Global reductions in carbon emissions and local strategies to adapt to shrinking glaciers are essential.
This World Water Day, we must work together to put glacier preservation at the core of our plans to tackle climate change and the global water cris
This year, we ask young students around the world to learn about the glaciers role on our water cycle through fun and educational activities. The activities suggested, may easily be adapted for organizations and individuals working to overcome the water and sanitation challenges of the 21st century.
We would therefore kindly invite you to join the celebrations, you may start by:
- Learning more about World Water Day here.
- Downloading the Activation kit for students here, and the infographic here.
- Checking out campaign resources here.