Happy New Year everyone,
First off I would like to give my deepest apologies to you all and especially Mr. Ciraldo for the no response to this email. I needed some time to soul search on where I am at and what may lay ahead for me as my health goes. I would also like to mention that in Hopi it’s the time (December) we consider a time of rest so that things of the world can regenerate through the prayers we sent during this time, from Dec to March as we do our ceremonies.
Well in a quick summary of the funds mentioned. I’ll give a brief description of what the funds were for as far as getting clean water. Well back in the days before 2000, the EPA standard for arsenic was 50 ppb. It wasn’t until 2001 when EPA standards changed and was now rated at 10 ppb which put Hopi in incompliance with EPA regulations.
Ever since 2001 Hopi has had a plan which was known as the Hopi Arsenic Mitigation Project aka H.A.M.P. Project. The only issue was funding for this project. It wasn’t until 2021 when the Hopi Tribe, Health Care Services and BIA along with the Biden Administration acted in helping to fund the H.A.M.P. Project. Now there are two parts to the project. First part was drilling new wells further out into the Navajo Aquifer and running a new water line from 15 miles North of First Mesa into both First and Second Mesa’s which contain seven villages altogether with an average of 14 ppb to 19 ppb of arsenic between the two areas.
The second part of the project was to connect the main part of the H.A.M.P. Project up to the connecting pipeline from Keams Canyon to Low Mountain Junction then on to the main part of the waterline in First Mesa.
Now as far as the funds go, I do believe that there are no more funds available for use.
Now for the water, we have a high pH level in both areas. I had taken a couple of classes with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and in the class they said aquifers with high pH levels can cause the walls of the aquifer to soften up and collapse thus adding more contaminants into the water source. As far as I know, there is no filtration system attached to the project. I could be wrong but that’s where we’re at. The H.A.M.P. office is based in Flagstaff,AZ and is being runned by a couple of Hopi’s and about three or four businessmen from Texas. For a while there, there has been some discussion on the water rate but for right now it is affordable but all could change with a rate hike.
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