No one should die because they are thirsty
Toxic water, a major problem on the Hopi reservation
Sara Williams lives in a 1 bedroom house with 7 others. After she was hospitalized with COVID-19 her husband and 4 children tested positive as well. High rates of asthma and diabetes make the Hopi susceptible to COVID-19.
The Navajo Nation, which surrounds the Hopi reservation, is a food desert, with just 13 grocery stores serving a population of more than 170,000. Sara furthered, ” The people in our tribal government aren’t even trying to help. It’s like we live in a third world country: we have no plumbing and no electricity.”
Many area residents drive 2 hours to the closest store, to buy gallons of water in drums, a labor-intensive process. Due to housing shortages, many residents live and share water with their extended families and even livestock. The need for clean, safe water is critical.
See this story on filters we have been installing
Arsenic in Hopis’ water twice the EPA limit, and it is making them sick
The tribe estimates 75% of the people living on Hopi land are drinking arsenic-tainted water
HOPI RESERVATION – When their water doesn’t taste right, many residents living on First Mesa will boil it. Boiling gets rid of the taste of chlorine, which the Hopi Tribe uses to treat its water. But it does nothing about the tasteless, odorless arsenic that could be making tribal members sick.
Zora Polingyumptewa, 76, and Anita Polacca, 92, preferred the water in nearby springs, which had sustained their community on the rocky mesa for as long as they could remember. It wasn’t until running water came in the 1980s that the water began to taste odd. When Polacca’s husband and brother got cancer, their minds jumped immediately to the strange-tasting water.
A lawsuit filed against the U.S. government reported arsenic levels more than four times the legal limit.“The cancer risk is clearly unacceptable,” said Erik Olson, director of health services for the Natural Resources Defense Council and an expert on arsenic in drinking water. The Hopi Tribe is doing its best to remedy the problem, tribal Vice Chairman Alfred Lomahquahu Jr. said. Two new, deeper water wells have been drilled on Hopi land. The EPA awarded the tribe $6 million but the tribe needs $18 million to $20 million to complete the project — money the tribe doesn’t have.
Due to high levels of Arsenic 3 & Arsenic 5 along with other contaminants in the water such as Vanadium and Uranium on the reservation, Hopi residents have to drive 2 hours to get to the closest store to stock up on clean water. But what if they are sick, their car breaks down and they are forced to drink the tapwater? https://www.epa.gov/navajo-nation-uranium-cleanup/abandoned-mines-cleanup
WE HAVE TO GET THE WORD OUT – This is similar to the movie – Dark Waters * see trailer here
400 Water Units from Clean Water Foundation are on the Hopi and Navajo Reservation but far more are needed
We have listed this as a project on the United Nations website
Click HERE to Help!
The Hopi Tribe is facing a crisis that is now staring us squarely in the face. Hopi Message about water See this video of Hopi water clan
Nancy visited Hopiland in 1983 to meet Grandfather David, the spiritual elder of the tribe. She met Thomas Banyaca and was present when he revealed the Hopi Prophecy at the United Nztions.
Airline Ambassadors is proud to support the
Clean Water Foundation.
Here are news stories : KOMO News “Heroes story”, My America on FOX News, NBC Making a difference, Clean Water for children in Bolivia, Celebration for Giving
The primary meaning of the word “Hopi” is “behaving one, one who is mannered, civilized, peaceable, polite, who adheres to the Hopi Way. Hopi is a concept deeply rooted in the culture’s religion, spirituality, and its view of morality and ethics. To be Hopi is to strive toward this concept, which involves a state of total reverence and respect for all things, to be at peace with these things, and to live in accordance with the instructions of Maasaw, the Creator or Caretaker of Earth. The Hopi observe their traditional ceremonies for the benefit of the entire world. The Hopi have always viewed their land as sacred and themselves as caretakers of the land that they inherited from their ancestors.
Hopi Origin Story Hopi RunToday, the Hopi Reservation is entirely surrounded by the much larger Navajo Reservation. The two nations used to share the Navajo–Hopi Joint Use Area, commonly known as Big Mountain.
Wee this podcast by Krystal Kelley who is part of our team to support this project! https://anchor.fm/krystal-kelley/episodes/Water-is-Fundamental-erblvj
“As children of water, we raise our voices in solidarity to speak for all waters.
Water, the breath of all life, water the sustainer of all life, water the voice of our ancestors, water pristine and powerful.
Today we join hands, determined to honor,trust and follow the ancient wisdom of our ancestors whose teachings and messages continue to live through us.
The message is clear: Honor and respect water as a sacred and life-giving gift from the Creator of Life. Water, the first living spirit on Earth.
All living beings come from water, all is sustained by water, all will return to water to begin life anew.
We are of water, and the water is of us. When water is threatened, all living things are threatened. What we do to water, We do to ourselves.”
Adopted at the Hopi Hisot Navoti Gathering October 23, 2003 Second Mesa, Arizona Black Mesa Trust website whose motto is “Paatuaqatsi Water is Life”

The Message from Water
Dr. Masaru Emoto’s landmark study on water through looked at tens of thousands of water crystal photos, showed that positive intentions, words, music, vibrations affect water beautifully, on the other hand, negative intentions, words, music, vibrations affect water negatively. See the Emoto Peace Project,
Dr. Emoto and Vernon Masayesva, elder of Hopi both understood the profound importance of water. See to the left photos of them together July of 2013. Vernon is holding the book they co-authored and published in Japan. As human beings and the earth are almost 70% water, we can improve both our environment and ourselves and make a better place for all; animals, insects, trees, plants, mineral, and all beings if we change our everyday attitudes, words, and consciousness because we all live on this earth. The children’s book “THE MESSAGE FROM WATER” explains above findings with water crystal photos. You will see the reactions of water after it has been subjected to different kinds of thoughts. Thoughts of the destructive or negative kind form very different crystals than the crystals which form after being sent thoughts of love, appreciation, and gratitude.
With each filter delivered in Hopiland we are including a book The Message from Water!
“The mission of Black Mesa Trust is to safeguard, preserve and honor the sacred land and water of the Black Mesa and our Mother Earth for future generations.”
See here a description of the No Arsenic Filter Project. NOARSENIC4HOPI Filter Project
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