I know we all look forward to the day when we can travel to help communities “To hear the laughter, see the smiles, and listen to their kind words of appreciation feeds my heart…and soul”(KJ)….as it does most volunteers on our AAI missions around the world. On November 15, we traveled virtually to Ecuador to witness the AAI/ISA Wellness Mission in San Raymundo II.
We began with a video clip giving us a great overview of the set-up, registration, training, art, sports, lunch and FUN of the day! We spoke with Dodie Schadlich, the amazing Canadian Expat who now lives in Ecuador, works full-time and still manages to give hours and hours to help those who are displaced and in dire need.
She has helped San Raymundo, a village — only about 2 miles from a bustling city and modern shopping center — rise from the dust and become home to about 100 families who had nowhere else to live. The municipality gave them a tiny plot of dust and bamboo huts. From that humble beginning, a community is emerging.

However, this community is so small and unmarked, it is not even on Google maps and services (like an ambulance ) have been unable to find them in an emergency. Recently, one small girl, a twin, died because she could not get to a hospital on time.
Hopefully, the AAI/ISA training will gave them knowledge to better care for themselves. The training is basic, but still needed as this is one location we even taught the section on latrine building and care! We also focused on cleanliness, not smoking, no alcohol or drugs, diarrhea, litter, and had a long discussion on trafficking. They all have the Wellness Manual now to refer to and I hope it will make their lives healthier.
AAI and ISA are supplying garbage bins to be placed conveniently throughout the village to give them a place to properly dispose of their trash. The municipality will drive through a couple time a week to pick it up. A clean village is definitely a healthier place to live.
However, San Raymundo still needs tools and supplies to support them in having healthier lives. The village is building a First Aid Station in their community center to have basic medical supplies. We hope to raise $500 to provide those supplies which include: antiseptic, mange medicine (yes, people get mange too!) lice treatment, bandages, and much more.
Local doctors are giving their time now to train some of the community members to be health workers with enough knowledge to man the first aid station when needed. However, they need supplies like syringes and other basic medical items to give hands-on training. Any funds we can raise to buy these supplies are most appreciated. It will cost about $500 to bring in the training items.
San Raymundo thus far has not had COVID cases. Perhaps their remoteness is also their blessing. They are proud people and rebuilding their lives as they create their community. Know your love and support is greatly, greatly appreciated!
Hopefully, we will be able to meet them personally in the near future!
I know we all look forward to the day when we can travel to help communities personally. Those that have know how rewarding it is….to make a difference having so much fun! For now, I hope that our AAI Virtual Mission gives you some enjoyment of travel, meeting other cultures and making a positive difference in the world.
Dr.Kate Jewell

Expats and locals shared information on basic health, trafficking and latrine-building while the children played games, sports and enjoyed coloring and health-related art projects! At lunchtime, we served chicken and rice for the adults and hotdogs and juice for the children. Then the Community’s first Anniversary celebration began. You won’t want to miss the Palo Ensevado! An 8 ft pole is greased and prizes of water, toilet paper, bags of rice, etc. See this video. and this ecuador slide show
After the mission Nancy announced a $500 donation to help fund the Emergency First Aid Station for the community. Imagine not even having antiseptic and a bandaid to care for a simple cut….which, left untreated, could become a life-threatening infection! We also still need another $500 to provide training for an Emergency Health care worker. By contributing $35 or more, you will receive a beautiful bracelet!
To commemorate this AAI project, we have created a beautiful beaded bracelet just for San Raymundo II. Its turquoise, orange and silver design was crafted by Nepali women who add one red bead to signify it was made by someone saved from trafficking. It’s our GRACIAS/THANK YOU gift for a $35 or more donation.
Press this link to donate
We often hear….”it takes a village”. San Raymundo Ecuador is a village arising from a drained swamp! Former street people, given a small plot of land and a shell of a bamboo home, are creating a community to help each other have better lives. This was the site of the AAI/ISA Wellness training November 11. 150 villagers were socially distanced at the training organized by AAI’s Dr. Kate Jewell and Dodie Schadlick, who has spearheaded progress at this new village. She is the founder of Ecuador from the Heart which can be found on Facebook.
We are providing the first recycling program for the community See Green recycling bins to be placed throughout the community. On our Virtual Mission, we will see snippets of the training, meet the community & raise funds to send a volunteer to Nursing school to become the Village Health worker. AAI is grateful to the ISA Foundation for their partnership in this worthy project.