We met with the Veterans Affairs Agency twice in July in El Salvador!
Nancy & Dave Rivard toured the clinic with Juan Alberto, Director of INAVBE and Laura Corpeno at the University of El Salvador. that treats 500 people per day.
This is the only health care facility for veterans in El Salvador and all types of medical care is available, including optometric and general medicine.
INAVABE provides disability services and benefits for victims of their civil war and their children, initiated by Presdent Nayib Bukele during his first days in office.
They provide housing, wheelchairs, walkers and prosthetics to veterans and support mental health with job trainng and an inspiring program with painting.
They will also be using Airline Ambassadors CASA Training Program to help educate and find jobs for all those they serve.
We also faciliated an introduction to Alex Gelvez of Transitions. a location AAI has been visitng for 20 years in Antigual Guatemala.
Plans were laid to collaborate and possibly start a wheelchair factory here in El Salvador to provide wheelchairs throughout Central America!
Last September we deliveed wheelchairs to this agency. See full report at the bottom of this post!
See Report by Laura Corpeno of our delivery of wheelchairs to El Salvador last December