Leon McLaughlin was at the Real Deal Concert on Oct 5 and from the support was able to send 17 more filters to the Hopi and Navajo Reservations. Then he went to Hawaii again raising awareness of the Clean Water Project.
The next public event ¨Hip Hop Climate Conference” will take place November 7, 2024 at the University of Washington to discuss the possibility of water treatment plants on the Reservation and in El Salvador.
Through a series of concerts in Kirkland this summer LeonMcLaughlin has been raising funding to provide filters to the Hopi and Navajo Reservations. We raised enough money to provide fresh clean drinking water 4,600 families. See some of the other contacts below.
YOU Can support the project below:
Global Giving Funding
Leon did a presentation with the Kiwanis Club in Kirkland inspiring them also to help the Clean Water Project.
Kiwanis Intl raised over $100 Million and they have 18 million volunteers!
We are thrilled with this new partnership.

International Opera, Jazz & Blues singer Kim Maguire performed August 9th at an exclusive Garden Pary in Kirkland Washington. Leon Mc Laughlin CEO Of Clean Water Foundation spoke about the water for children for the Hopi and Navajo Reservation and children around the world and thewater and music project in El Salvador and Australia (coming up in 2025. The show was sold out privately, and along with the successful parties in July and June 4,600 people will have clean fresh drinking water from the water filters that were sent and support from:
Leon’s launch party was so successful In June inspired a second Garden Party fundraiser in July see the flier and a few pictures heree will be sending out 72 of our custom-made water filters this week to Ernest so over 3,600 people will have clean fresh drinking water and when we get the funds in September for our Garden Party that we had in July that will be another 20 water filters s
Water For Children Gold Coast Magazine Launch Party took place
at The Grape Choice Downtown Kirkland Waterfront June 14th.
The event was a wonderful sucess and everyone had a lot of fun.
We had excellent International entertainers there like
the Rumba Kings,
singer-songwriter Lisa Aery,
King Dre and Dennis Blackman Jazz Band.

You can support this project at this LINK
Martha Childress continues to fundraise and work with Sedona Conscious LivingCenter, https://www.sedonya.org/ who have offered their space to help raise consciousness and funds for the Love of Water. They are in process of launching a “Love of Water Week” to engage their community to participate in blessing and support the sacredness of water as well as the legacy of Dr. Emoto. Thank You!!! The event is scheduled for the end of September and includes a visit to the Reservation. It is dedicated to spreading the message of the sacredness of water, as well as making clean safe drinking water accessible to ALL. Fundraising and ticket sales revenues will be directed to;
Emoto Peace Project https://www.emotopeaceproject.net/
“Clean Water for Hopi” https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/water4hopi/
Black Mesa Trust https://www.blackmesatrust.org/
Ernest Taho, our Project Manager on the ground in Hopiland is helping with the HaulNo group and the Havasupai Tribe on the uranium mining and transport which will contaminate the Havasupai drinking water and the Navajo, Hopi and Ute Mountain Ute Tribal lands to transport the ore to the White Mesa Mill in Utah.