There are now 8 young mothers at the House of Life who have been through abuse or raped by a familly member. The girls are healthy and happy and excited to give birth and care for their new babies, They feel so much love and support and finally secure in their new environment. They learn that they have rights as children themselves, and what happened to them was not correct. They are given the option of giving up their child for adoption at 3 months…but so far all the girls so far have chosen to keep their babies.
The girls are taking classes in English, learning to cook,and the skill of cosmetology and self defense, These are important skills so they can get a job and support their babies. Elizabeth had the idea of teaching a class in manners and bugeting so they can learn how to manage their new skills. (We are working on a curriculum for that.)
We are grateful for the support from our donors that enabled us to provide Sewing Machines for the House of Life! One is a household machine so the girls can learn to sew, which we delivered on Sept 26,2024 and THREE are professional machines (which arrive next week). One of the caretakers for the girls used to be a trainer at a local “Machiladora” (Sewing Factory) and she will help train the girls so they can learn a skilll and hopefully get a job when they leave the House of Life. Most of these sewing factories pay welll and have great benefits including on site day care!
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