Kiwanis Village
Come and visit the project that AAI started in 2001 after the earhquake in Santa Tecla, We built a community for 150 families and now there are 900 prople living there. AAI Angels could help with the community garden, play basketball with the kids or provide school supplies.
Veterans Affairs INAVBE
Gente Ayudando Gente

Zaragosa Home for Abandoned Elders
Hogar Giuseppe Angelucci in Zaragosa, El Salvador is a home for abandoned older people, or those who have been left on the streets and and have no family. The Asocaicion de Conyuges de Diplomaticos in El Salvador- ACDE ( Association of Diplomatic Spouses) has adopted this project for support, and Suzy Gonzalez, (past President) can organize a tour and visit to the facilty. You could provide food for the “abuelos” and help with needed clean up, or just be a loving companion for those who have no family.

Humanitarian Artist Miguel Angel Ramirez
Turtle Conservation Project
Resident of Barra de Santiago, (near the Guatemalen border) Ruben Navarro, learned how to hatch sea turtles from his father. He was taught the basic principles of marine conservation and, as a fisherman, he has demonstrated to his community how important these practices are. In 2021, Ruben hatched 3,000 sea turtle eggs with a mortality rate of less than 1 percent. The surrounding community celebrates the baby hatchlings as they are released into the sea and return to precisely the same beaches each year some 20 years later. Nesting season is from late August – December and hatching is from November – Feb. Each mother turtle lays 100 eggs which will hatch 45 days later Also see this link
Contact for this project is Dave Rivard Email: sridave@aol.com