Building the Home for Hope
for Displaced Ukrainians.
Ingrid Sargis and Carol Thompson arrived Sept 27, 2022 in Poland as part of our Explore and More Program to help building a Home for Hope for dsplaced Ukanians. Our goal is to complete this home (to house 10 refugees) before winter sets in.
Kate Jewell, (pictured to left) flew to Poland to help Ukranian refugees in June and identified this project. See her blog here. Kate was impressed with the effort of Krystoff Moll.

You too can join us in Osweicim, Poland to help build the Home for Hope. As the apartments are completed, you can help clean, paint and ready them to welcome Ukrainians to their new home. You may want to sew curtains, upgrade donated furniture, make the beds….whatever is needed to complete the home and make it warm and inviting to the new tenants.
IF you are strong and ready for hard labor…by all means, bring your muscle as there is still much to do! You will work with Krzysztof Moll who can also take you to Auschwitz-Berkenau and the monastery known the as “the real Auschwitz”. There is also opportunites to visit other Ukrainian refugee residences. You can make a rewarding difference for those forced to flee from Putin’s War & have fun…..Ingrid & Carol went to an amusement park with refugee famlies and had a blast!