AAI Announces Our NEW
“Explore and More” program!
Airline Ambassadors was created to “Travel with a Purpose” & bring “Compassion into Action”
Years ago, it was fairly easy for airline employees to get on a flight “space available” for little to no cost. Then, the employee could bring an almost unlimited number of bags filled with donations along with him/her…also for no cost!
Obviously times have changed and so has the work we do around the world. In our post-pandemic era,
it is almost impossible to fly space available and completely impossible to check more than two 50 pound bags without paying extraordinary fees.
It is also becoming more difficult to schedule our mission trips to fit everyone’s schedule.
AAI is NOW offering YOU a way to “travel with a purpose” while making your own itinerary…on your own time….to Explore and More!
Explore and More offers you connection with our vetted projects to incorporate visiting …or working there…as part of your itinerary.
AAI Explore&More
Send an email to angels@airlineamb.org to let us know where you want to visit:
El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Sierra Leone, South Africa or the Hopi & Navajo Reservations in the USA
and we will send you a list of projects and contacts in each country. We will also be adding trips to Colombia, Mexico and more
You must be a part of our Angel team to be part of this program. If you are not yet an Angel you can become one by clicking here
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