$10 T Shirt
Order these shirts in S, M, L or XL
Create a free account on Vistaprint.com
Order Womens shirts at this LINK
Order Men’s Shirts at this LINK
$10 Hat (one size)
Create a free account on Vistaprint.com
$5.00 AAI Lapel Pin
You get one of these as a mission participant but you can order another
Representing the fight against Human Trafficking
email angels@airlineamb.org to get one
Slim and flat flashlights that can be carried in your pocket that list indicators of human trafficking and DHS Hotline phone number. (limited quantity)
$5.00 Friendship Bracelets made by trafficking survivors in Nepal.
$10 for set of three) Each Bracelet has one red bead, recognizing the courage it took for her to escape and the renewal and new life in her heart.
Items above do not include shipping costs.
Customers agree to pay shipping costs. Email angels@airlineamb.org about items you want and