Kate Jewell flew to Poland to help our adopted project in Osweicim Poland to help the huge influx of Ukrainian refugees April 2, 2022.
See her article here http://lifeonorcasisland.com/kate-jewells-experience-in-poland/
She has written this blog post to keep us informed. You can also follow her facebook page https://www.facebook.com/kate.jewell.12

That place is the Home 4 Hope in Osweicim, Poland.
Located about an hour from Krakow, this home will be the THIRD one offered to refugees by Krzysztof Moll, a young man I met when I went to Poland to help the refugee situation. Krzysztof, from the beginning of the war, has been sheltering women and children from Ukraine. First, he invited six people into his home. Then, he took a house he was selling off the market and created a home for 7 Ukrainians. Now, he is renovating a third property that will shelter about 20 people….his Home 4 Hope.
When AAI’s Jose Redondo came to Poland, he spent the few days he was there working HARD with Krzysztof and his volunteer crew. Jose carried heavy bags of cement, put up dry wall and basically did heavy labor! But is was a labor of LOVE….
Georges and Judith Arseneau from Angels of Hope – Love is Real sent their colorful t-shirts to Poland with Jose along with a Ukrainian Angel that has become the symbol of the Home 4 Hope. Kryzstoff personally took me to Hotels and Churches where 50-60 Ukrainians were staying so I could give out those t-shirts. AND he personally brought fresh meat, fruits and vegetable to supplement their meals!!!!!!
Angels of Hope and AAI see the value of supporting the renovation of the Home 4 Hope. In just a few short weeks, with the funds available, there have been tremendous improvements and the goal of finishing the first apartment is getting closer…quite quickly!
To Support this project Click HERE!
May 1
Friday night,29 April. . Market Square in Krakow.. A demonstration asking to close The skies over Ukraine. A young girl speaks : I have lost my mother my father… Why? These children in the posters might’ve been scientists… Artists… But we will never know because they were murdered by Russia. Please help us.
April 30
April 20
AAI’s Ruth Matranga cares about kids all over the world. She specifically made a generous donation to help needy Ukrainians and sent the money to me directly. I met Krzysiek (Kris) and learned he and his wife and daughter are currently housing 13 Ukrainians (2 mothers and 11 children ages 17-1-1/2). They spent all their money fleeing Ukraine. As you can imagine, Ruth’s generosity is most appreciated and well-used. You can help too on AAI’s Global Giving page:
April 17
Easter Sunday, Osweicim, Poland. Ukrainian Girls choir was delightful. Group photo: Ukrainians: little Sophie in pink, held by her mother Natalia, sister Alina in tan blazer. Row 2: Kraysiek (call him Kris) wife Justyna Moll, Kris, me and Peter in the back. Kris has provided a home for THIRTEEN Ukrainians…with three more coming today. The HOUSE OF HOPE is sorely needed to become a refuge for other Ukrainians fleeing the senseless Russian invasion of their homeland. You can help us furnish the home with beds! @Airline Ambassadors International, @One Humanity House of Hope @Salish Sea Yarn Co.
I met Alina at Easter Service today. She is 17 and living in the home of Krysiek and his family along with 10 other children and 2 mothers. They are expecting another 3 Ukrainians on Tuesday. Alina is lucky to have a warm and welcoming place to stay. But most Ukrainians don’t which is why it is critical to get our One Humanity Institute HOUSE of HOPE open ASAP! Your donation for this beaded bracelet will truly help. A NEW ORDER OF THESE BEAUTIFUL BRACELETS (made by Nepali women saved from trafficking) has JUST ARRIVED on Orcas. YOU WILL FIND THEM AT TIDEPOOL/SALISH SEA YARN! Suggested Donation: $20 or whatever your heart tells you. Genkjuya (thank you in Polish)
@salishseayarnco. Let us know if you want a bracelet at angels@airlineamb.org.
April 10
Today, we went to the border (see cute girls in pink with their new teddy bears) and to a huge registration site. This former shopping center was lined with thousands of cots side by side. While my team was making kids smile with teddy bears, I noticed the older people( like me), sleeping on cots or blankly staring into space with empty eyes. I started leaving the Angels Of Hope – Love is Real cards (see photo 2 below). The card says “Don’t be Afraid — you are not alone” in Ukrainian). I left them lying by their sides (if they were sleeping) — or handing them to those that were sitting. Katcia (below in pink jacket) was just forlornly sitting by her husband who was asleep on a cot. I gave her a teddy bear just to see her smile. Then I attempted to talk with her and (think) learned that her house had been destroyed by a missile, she did not know where she was going or what her future held. I gave her an Angel card…and saw her heart smile. Once again I am in tears….
I am so grateful to be here helping open the House of Hope in Osweicim for people like Katcia. If you would like to help, please go to https://globalgiving.org/
April 4, 2022
I am writing this through tears. This morning I met Vladimir, Victoria, little Eva and Victoria’s mother (not pictured). Vladimir and Victoria lived in Kyev, both working for the Ukraine airline. After weeks of hiding in the basement of their apartment building during air raids, they made the difficult decision to leave Ukraine…with their cat.
They first drove to Hungary but were not welcome so drove 24 hours to Osweicim Poland. Little Eva thinks they are on vacation…how do you explain this senseless war to a small child? Eva was so excited to be out of the car and find toys to play with in the hotel lobby. She was delighted to receive a teddy bear from One Humanity Institute.
While mother and daughter were playing, Vladimir shared with me the horror of the war in Mariupol: Children trying to wake mom and dad up in the morning but they won’t wake up…because they no longer can. The Russian troops are heavily patrolling the area so the bodies cannot be removed and the people must exist with no water, one bucket to serve as a communal toilet, little food, and lie next to corpses as they try to console newly made orphans. His story broke my heart.
Vladimir and his family are lucky. They are on their way to Hanover, Germany to stay with friend. Many who have escaped have no where to go which is why I am here working with One Humanity Institute to open their House of Hope for Ukrainians. Please help me help Ukrainians to safety and a chance to rebuild their lives. https://www.globalgiving.org/
Here is the flier from Angels of Hope :