Join us in El Salvador on March 30th for a huge amount fun and help provide breast & prostrate cancer screenings throughout the country!
To register for the 5 Kilometer Walk or 10 Kilometer Run
Click this LINK
We promoted the Gente Ayudando Gente Walk and Run on March 30 at the Agency for Development & Design of the Nation and recruited 10 more participants!
This is the 9th year in a row they have coordinated this event to raise funding to provide breast & prostrate cancer screenings for men and women throughout El Salvador.
The event takes place on March 30 and usually attacts more than 1000 men, women children and even pets. It begins with an opening prayer and the release iof hundreds of pink balloons!
There is a 5 Kilometer Walk for $20 and a 10 Kilometer Run for $23.00
Each participant gets a T Shirt, Gym bag, a special Medal, Running number and a bracelet where they can write the name of who they are dedicating the walk to.
Families, baby’s, strollers, and pets are invited too!
There will be a costume competition for the dogs as well!